Narada Bhakti Sutra, Review of Sutras 71 and 72 and Lakshyas 61-70  

Week 27, Class 25, April 16 2024

Class Notes by Bhargavi


As we reflect on the Nama of our Bhagavan, rupa is pulled automatically. You cannot help but see Bhagavan Rama with Devi Sita. This vision then pulls the guna that he is fearless and grateful. This further triggers the Leela (Leela means that which melts one’s heart). We then feel the dhama. Rama is one revels in every being’s heart. As we relate to Bhagavan Rama’s nama, another name of his, Manohar, one who steals minds. If one’s mind is stolen, nama, rupa, guna and dhama, that is one’s kalyana.

The world is celebrating Bhagavan Rama’s wedding, their vivaha. We offer our prayers to Bhagavan Rama to continue to grace us with more intense Bhakti, so Bhakti evolves to Bhagavan. We are using the right map for our vivaha (special upliftment), to our potential.

Lakshyas for Sutra 61 to 70:

Sutra 61: Understanding. Bhakti and worry are antonyms. If we understand the nature of the world, then we don’t worry, we continue with Bhakti

Sutra 62:  Steady, we have to follow the means to the ends.  And when we reach the ends, we need to become more responsible.

Sutra 63: Process, we have to be careful in terms of what we listen to, our ear is an opening through which information is inputed and then comes as output. Listening to negativity makes us negative.

Sutra 64: Give, We should not just give up results, but give up the vices that push us towards results. We should train ourselves to give constantly. This is training in independence.

Sutra 65: Redirect, If there are vices and vasanas, let them be directed to Bhagavan.

Sutra 66: Closer, When one is following through with Bhakti, then the Bhakta, Bhakti and Bhagavan all merge. The yogi through yoga becomes yukta. That which is closest to us is Bhagavan and so these means are not really complex. We are seeking what we already are.

Sutra 67: Divinity, This sutra is describing Bhagavan. Bhagavan is closest to us and so if we can concentrate on this, we become close to divinity, we become divine.

Sutra 68: Dissolving, If one rediscovers they are not the Bhakta, but Bhagavan, then they both dissolve. The heart of the Bhakta is trying to come out of own’s body and everything becomes more unstable, finitude is dissolved.

Sutra 69: Radiation, The teaching on this sutra is how pilgrimages and actions purify us. But it is the Bhagavan who is operating through the Bhakta, that is purifying all these. Radiation in this context means that which is exuding, glowing.

Sutra 70: Reverence, From dasya (respect) to sakhya (love) to nivedana (reverence). When one shows reverence for divinity, they become divinity and then reverence is shown to them.  

Recap of last class:

Sutra 71: Rishi Narada describes how all sorts of beings celebrate when one has completed their journey. All beings are journeying to joy, whether they know it or not and so when they rediscover joy, all beings feel that. They then celebrate the completion of this journey.

Sutra 72: When you get enlightened, your enlightenment will be the same as Sri Ramana’s, or Sri Sankaracharya’s or Rishika Meera’s. There is only one infinity so any sort of differences (-isms), none of that apply.

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