Drg Drshya Viveka

An advanced contemplation course for deep inquiry into the Seer and the Seen. Guided by Vivekji.

Reflection Adventure of the Week

RAW for Week 29: 
Which of the 30 verses that we have covered so far, is your verse, and Why?

“Drg Drshya Viveka is so logical, so profound and deep.  I cannot help but believe that the Divine is me, is us and work with rigor to let go of my Ego and have complete faith that I will experience this truth. Tat Tvam Asi!”

Prema Palaniappan

Prema Palaniappan

Houston, TX

“The Drg Drshya Viveka course has helped me get up close and personal with the ego within me, empowering me to free myself from its tyranny. Shri Vivekji’s words have the power of his own lived experience, making this subtle philosophy more real and attainable for me.”

Vignesh Sadras

Vignesh Sadras

Baltimore, MD