Category Archived Courses

DDV: Verse 16

In reference to Joy, For the searcher: World is real (they feel that the world can make them joyous) For the seeker: World is unreal (they know that the world cannot make them joyous) For the seer: World is real…

What is Doership?

Class Notes by Rita Patel Janurary 14, 2021 Introduction Amar Chitra Katha on Gita shows us how relatable Prince Arjuna is because he is demonstrating that although he knows Gita, he is unable to live this. This course is helping…

DDV: Verse 15

A ‘searcher’ is one who is looking for happiness outside of oneself — the world is real. A ‘seeker’ looks for happiness inside of oneself — the world is unreal. For a ‘seer’ (Drk), one who is happiness — the…

What is Reincarnation

Introduction Sri Ramakrishna has taught that whatever you have done, whatever you are doing and whatever you will do that is not for peace is a 0. You have accumulated 0 and the future will be no different. Sri Ramakrishna’s…

DDV: Verse 14

Class Notes by Bhargavi We all are familiar with the story of when Bhudevi (mother earth) transformed into a cow (gomata) when she was suffering due to the atrocities of the asuras who had disguised as rulers. She approached Bhagavan…

DDV: Verses 12 & 13

Class Notes by Sharmila When Kaliya was being crushed by Bhagavan Krishna, Kaliya’s wives come to Bhagavan Krishna to plead with him. Two of the insights they shared are: “Bhagavan is the one who resides in the elements” “Bhagavan is…

DDV: Verses 10 & 11

Class Notes by Bhargavi One of the terms used to describe Brahman is “Nirbeeja”, which means “without seed”. Brahman is that which is uncaused and also is uncausal (does not cause any other matter). We describe Brahman as the uncaused…