August 12, 2020
Notes by Pradyun Badrinath
Our review on our 9 qualities
- Prioritization(know what is important)
- acceptance(being okay with whatever happens)
- focus(doing 1 thing at a time)
- courage (coming out of your comfort zone for something you need to do)
- endurance (be cheerful in a bad situation)
- communication (1 listen) (2 talk when necessary)
- vision (something that did not happen but can happen)
- determination (taking that next step)
- discipline (going out of your comfort zone)
Notes By Srinidhi Iyer
Here is a summary of all the Virtues we learned in Happy Hour this season! All these virtues were taught by our great teacher Shankarji!
- Prioritization-Means we prioritize the inportant thing and do them first
- Acceptance- Which means we accept things we cannot change
- Focus-Think about inportant things and but your mind on the task
- Discipline-Bieng able to stop your self and doing good things. Dicipline also means having self control
- Courage- Being brave when you are scared
- Endurance
- Communication — speak and listen honestly; listen as though the other person has something to teach us
- Vision — able to see our potential (like inside a seed — to grow into a tree)
- Determination — always taking that next step. Never giving up, to keep trying. Don’t quit.
Guru Dakshina — Show gratitude by practicing what we have learned and/or Donate to Chinmaya Mission