The Yoga Challenge

A daily offering of dhan-tan-man.

The Yoga Challenge

From Victory Day (May 22) to Vijaya Dashami (Oct 15), join our CommUnity as we collectively reach our highest by offering our dhan-tan-man. Are you ready to take the sankalpa?

  • Will
    5 dollars for charity daily
  • 🚶🏾‍♀️Walk
    5 kilometres for nature daily
  • ✍🏽 Write
    5 pages for peace daily

Participants in The Yoga Challenge will receive a link to our CommUnity Tracker over email to support connection and consistency!

💥 Bonus Challenge 💥

Celebrate the 5th Year of our Running from the Mind CommUnity by joining 50 seekers in running 21k on Oct 16. Led by Vivekji.